Get to know our team

Paula Fabiani

Alessandra Ferreira Martins
Project Manager

Andrea Hanai
Project Manager

Andrea Wolffenbüttel
Associate Consultant

Felipe Insunza Groba
Project Manager

Guilherme Sylos
Prospection Manager

Luisa Lima
Gerente de Comunicação

Luiz Jacob
Gerente Administrativo e Financeiro

Raquel Altemani
Gerente de Projetos

Renato Rebelo
Diretor de Projetos
Luiz Sorge | Presidente
Luiz has a degree in Engineering with a post-graduate degree in Business Management by the Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation, and also in the Continued Education in Economic Scenarios Program from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-SP). With 20 years of experience in Asset Management Industries, he joined the BNP Paribas Group in 2001, where he currently is CEO of BNP Paribas Asset Management Brasil. He previously worked at HSBC bank and at CCF. He is the vice-president of ANBIMA – Associação Brasileira das Entidades dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais (Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities), president of the IDIS Council, and member of the BancoEstado S.A Administradora General de Fondos (BEAGF) – Chile Council. Furthermore, Luiz Sorge has a CFP® certificate.
Maria José De Mula Cury | Vice-presidente
Maria is a partner at PriceWaterhouseCoopers. She has a degree in Accounting and Economy by PUC-SP. She has also graduated from the International Corporate Governance and Capital Market for Executives Program – BI International. She has over 28 years of experience in external auditing and consultancy in the Brazilian financial market, involving revisions of financial statements prepared in accordance to accounting practices adopted in Brazil, as well as international rules, such as the U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). She is responsible for various revisions of internal controls, corporate governance processes, revision and restructure of internal control processes and due diligence works. She is a member of the IBEF – Instituto Brasileiro de Economia e Finanças (Brazilian Institute of Economy and Finance) and of ABBI – Associação Brasileira de Bancos Internacionais (Brazilian Association of International Banks).
Alex Pinheiro
Alex is the Executive Director of Educational Technology and Digital Transformation for “Somos Educação”. He is also the co-founder and CEO of EDUMOBI – creator of the educational platform PLURALL. He was co-founder and director of Motrix Mobile and partner-director of HANDS MOBILE S.A. He received the 20th Global Mobile Awards – Best Innovation for Education and Learning from GSMA. Alex majored in Engineering at PUC-Rio. He is a volunteer in some organizations in Rio de Janeiro that specialize in mental health during infancy and adolescence.
Antônio Carlos Pipponzi
Antônio is the president of the Administrative Council of RaiaDrogasil S.A. He works in mentoring fronts for executives and businessmen at Eendeavor, participates in the Family Business Governance Committee at IBGC, and also in the professional development of youth at Endowment Amigos da POLI-USP. He is also a member of the Board at IDV – Instituto do Desenvolvimento do Varejo (Retail Development Institute).
With a degree in Civil Engineering by Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo POLI – USP (Polytechnical School of the University of São Paulo) and a post-graduate degree in Business Management by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV- Getúlio Vargas Foundation), he initiated his career at Droga Raia, where, starting in 1982, he lead the company’s development and growth until 2011, one year after the process of the company going public was initiated. From then on, he conducted the merger with Drogasil and became the president of the Administrative Council of RaiaDrogasil, the company resulting from the merger. He occupies such a position to this day.
Hélio Nogueira da Cruz
Hélio is a tenured professor at the Department of Economy at FEA-USP, where he has obtained the titles of Master, Doctor and Professorship, having a post-doctorate degree by Yale University (USA). He was the vice-dean at the University of São Paulo and is a member of the Curating Council of the Economic Research Institute (Fipe – Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas), of the Foundation for USP’s Entering Exam (Fuvest – Fundação para o Vestibular da USP) and of the Zebrini Foundation. He is also a member of the Audit Council of the Maria Cecília Souto Vidigal Foundation and of the Butantan Institute Foundation.
Luciana Tornovsky
Luciana is a partner in the mergers and acquisitions area of the law firm Demarest Advogados, is a bachelor in Law by PUC-SP with a Masters in Law by Harvard Law School and ITP – International Tax Program by Harvard University. She has worked at Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher. She is director of the Closely Held and Growing Business Enterprise Committee of the International Bar Association (IBA). She is also vice president of the Harvard Law School Association of Brazil and a member of the Executive Committee of the Harvard Law School Association. She participates in the Harvard Business School Angels of Brazil and is Co-Chairwoman in Brazil of the Harvard Women Alliance. In addition, she is head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Demarest Advogados, which encompasses Social Responsibility, Diversity and Pro Bono groups. She is also a member of the Lawyers Council for Civil and Economic Rights in the Americas, a Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice initiative connected to the New York City Bar.
Marcel Fukayama
Marcel is a businessman of impact, cancer survivor and builder of cathedrals. He has been involved in different initiatives in the new economy. Co-founder of Din4mo, with goals of training businesspeople that solve social problems and of developing innovative structures that direct capital to low income families and social companies. Co-founder of Sistema B Brasil, to strengthen the B Corp community and redefine success in business. He is currently the Executive Director of Sistema B International. Master in Business Management, MBA and Masters in Public Administration by the London School of Economics. He is committed to working with social society and with policy formulators, to inspire innovation and new public policies. He was campaign manager to Marina Silva and Eduardo Jorge (REDE/PV) in the presidency run in 2018. Previously, he was pioneer in creating one of the first cybercafes in Brazil at the age of 17, and acted as CEO of CDI Global, working with a network in 15 countries to use technology for social change.
Marcos Kisil
Marcos is a founder, member of the Council and Senior Analyst at IDIS. He previously acted as Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, being responsible for the program and strategical development of the foundation. He is a doctor with a degree from the Medical Department of University of São Paulo, and dedicated himself to the management field, having a doctorate in Business Management from the George Washington University, Washington D.C – USA with a scholarship from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. He was also a consultant of the Pan-American Health Organization. He currently exercises academic activities as a tenured professor at the University of São Paulo, Public Health Department, and is a member of SAVE Brasil – an affiliate of Bird Life International, MacDonald Institute, IDEAH Foundation and of the Jewish Museum of São Paulo. He was founder and president of the Council at GIFE – Grupo de Instituto, Fundações e Empresas (Institute, Foundation and Business Group), and founder and member of the WINGS – Worldwide Inititative in Grantmaking Support Council. Superintendent Director at the WCF/Brasil Institute and of the Maria Cecília Souto Vidigal Foundation. Marcos Kisil is a senior fellow of Synergod and of Beltsmann, and a member of the editorial council of Alliance Magazine. Author of many books, among which “Comunidade: Foco de Filantropia” (Community: Philanthropy Focal Point) and “Investimento Social Privado e Tendências do Investimento Social na América Latina” (Private Social Investment and Social Investment Tendencies in Latin America). He is also the author of many articles in national and international publications on philanthropy and social investment.
Raul Cruz Lima
Raul is a Director at RCL Communication, which offers consultancy in communications and marketing. He works in political campaigns. He is also a part of the Deliberative Councils of IDIS and of the Vladmir Herzog Institute. He has been a journalist (Veja Magazine, Estadão) and has also worked in advertisement (salles, Lintas, JWT, Denison). He has always worked for big companies, national and international. He was an editor, Creation Director, Vice-President and then partner and President of Denison Advertising (sold to WPP). He has won over 400 awards nationally and abroad. He was president of the São Paulo Creation Club. He works in political campaigns (Montoro governor of São Paulo 1982, in favor of presidentialism in the 1993 Plebiscite, Alkmin mayor of São Paulo 2008, Beto Richa governor of Paraná 2014). Also, he has worked for the voluntary sector in the creation of campaigns such as Juréia (São Paulo, 1988), Declaration of Rights of Future Generations (for Jacques Cousteau, during the celebration of 50 years of the UN, in 1995) and, more recently, “Forests make a difference” (against the Brazilian Forest Code, for over 50 civil society entities).
Selma Moreira
Selma is Executive Director at Baobá – a fund for racial equality, the first and only fund dedicated exclusively to promoting racial equity for the black population in Brazil. She has also worked as Manager of Social Responsibility at the Walmart Institute, as Sustainability Manager at Alphaville Foundation, and as Project Manager at the Technological Incubator of Popular Cooperatives of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (ITCP-FGV). She is a member of the Advisory Council of the Coca-Cola Institute Brazil and of the Assembly General of Greenpeace Brazil. She has a degree in Business Management by the Osasco Technological Institute Foundation, a post-graduate degree in Strategic Management in Organizational Communication and Public Relations by the Communication and Arts Department at USP, and an MBA in Social Business Management by FIA. During the last few years, her focus has been to deepen academic knowledge on black history.
Priscila Pasqualin | Presidente
Priscila is a specialist in Law for the Voluntary Sector, and for over 20 years has been a legal consultant on tax, contract, regulatory and corporate law to Nonprofit Organizations. She is also a legal consultant to companies and families who wish to invest in the Voluntary Sector or in social businesses. She is a partner at the law firm PLKC Advogados, responsible for the new department of Philanthropy, Voluntary Sector and Social-Environmental Responsibilities there. She is an Executive Director and one of the founders of the Spiralis Institute. She is a Judicial and Relations with the Voluntary Sector Director at RECICLAR, an Institute for teenage recycling. She has worked in major corporate law firms in Brazil (Carvalho de Freitas e Fereira and Demarest Almeida Advogados), was a name partner at a law firm in São Paulo, Pasqualin Advogados, which she directed along with her senior partner, especially in the tax, corporate, contract and private law areas.
Carlos Eduardo Lessa Brandão
Carlos is a partner at JFLB since 2005 and dedicates himself to consultancy, executive education and participation in councils of companies, both private and public. He has worked as CFO and Executive Director in Business Development and M&A in IT, payment forms, telecommunications, electronic trade and GIS. He is a member of Council at IBGC and of the Standards Advisory Council at B Lab (USA). He was a member of the Council of the Ethos Institute, of the Stakeholders Council at GRI (Netherlands) and of the Consultancy Council of RAPS. Civil Engineer, Master of Science in Energy Planning and Doctor of Science in History and Philosophy, with an Executive MBA in Finance and Executive Education from the London Business School, Harvard, IMD, Chicago University, York University and Cambridge and ICGN. Resource administrator of third parties for CVM and management counsellor certified by IBGC (CCA+).
Fernando Shayer
Fernando is a founding partner and CEO of Camino Education. He was president of the Administrative Council and CEO at Somos Educação, the largest basic education company in Brazil, reaching over 33 million students with its products and solutions. He has also acted as vice-president of the business unit in Educational Solutions, vice-president of School Relations, and has taught English at Anglo and at the Somos Educadores Project, created to offer quality preparation for university entry exams to underprivileged teens. He is a member of the Administrative Council of the Nova Escola Association, collaborating with the Lemann Foundation to support millions of teachers. Before founding Camino, Fernando was a Managing Partner at Tarpon Investments, a partner at Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice Law Offices and worked as an international lawyer at Skadden Arps, in New York.
Carlos Lessa, consultant
Luciana Tornovsky, head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Demarest Advogados
Marcel Fukayama, Executive Director at Sistema B Internacional
Maria José De Mula Cury, partner at PriceWaterhouseCoopers
Priscila Pasqualin, partner at PLKC Advogados
Selma Moreira, Executive Director at Baobá – Fundo para Equidade Racial (Racial Equity Fund)
Alex Pinheiro, Executive Director of Educational Technology and Digital Transformation at Somos Educação
Fernando Shayer, founding partner and CEO at Camino Education
Hélio Nogueira da Cruz, senior tenured professor of the Department of Economy at FEA-USP
Luiz Sorge, CEO of BNP Paribas Asset Management Brasil.
Marcel Fukayama, Executive Director at Sistema B Internacional
Maria José De Mula Cury, partner at PriceWaterhouseCoopers
Eliane Trindade, Editor of the Social Business Award at Folha de São Paulo
Fernando Mazzarolo, consultant
Pedro Telles, co-founder and director at Quid
Raul Cruz Lima, director at RCL Communication