

With the mission to inspire, support and promote strategic philanthropy and its impact, IDIS –Institute for the Development of Social Investment – serves individuals, families, companies, corporate and family run institutes and foundations, as well as civil society organizations.

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Advocacy, Influence and Implementation

To strengthen this mechanism of sustainability for causes and organizations, IDIS leads the Brazilian Endowment Coalition. an advocacy initiative for a better regulatory environment. Among its accomplishments, the approval of Law no 13,800/2019.

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National campaign that stimulates reflection and donation

The Find Your Cause platform has helped thousands of people to donate and become volunteers. Now it can also be personalized for companies and organizations!

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Developing community foundations

The Project seeks to promote the creation and strengthening of Community Foundations in Brazil, with commitment of donators and civil society, sharing knowledge and giving technical support.

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Inspiration and tendencies

Exclusive space for the philanthropic community to gather, exchange experiences and learn with peers, strengthening strategic philanthropy for the promotion of the development of Brazilian society.

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